The Chronicles of Narnia

Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie trailer 

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be in theaters this December! I am so excited! This one is actually the fifth book, but it was written third...confusing, I know. Go to Wikipedia to read about it. Anyway, unlike my previous post about the movie version of The Lightning Thief, these movies are epic!

My father and my sister read all of the books a few years ago. In 2005, Disney created a movie version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (Walden Media has since taken over.) I had so many questions. "What does this symbolize?" "What does that mean?" "Why did they do that?"...but the most intriguing thing that I found with the movie was..."Why are they so fascinated with this lamppost? And how exactly did a lamppost end up in the middle of the forest anyway?" My father and sister's reply was always..."You'll just have to read the books." A few years ago, my love for reading was renewed. I am an elementary education major, so last Fall I took a Children's Literature class. We were required to read several children's was rough. ;-) I fell in love. I was able to read books like The Giver by Lois Lowry, Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan, Holes by Louis Sacher, and many more wonderful books that I highly recommend. That class started me down a path that I will never regret taking. Since then I have read all of the Peter and the Starcatchers books, and I am working on the Shoe books as well as the Percy Jackson series. I love children's books!

A few Christmases ago, my family bought the entire Chronicles of Narnia for me. That is a present I will treasure always. About two months ago, I finished the last book, The Last Battle. I cried so hard when that one ended. Well...I cried when I read the first book, The Magician's Nephew (Which is where my question about the lamppost is answered). These books are awesome! Though C.S. Lewis did write the books for children, adults can be equally entertained, enlightened, inspired, blessed, and touched by them. (Yes...all of those emotions will happen to you) ;-) My personal favorite is The Horse and His Boy.


MadWasp said…
...your link to the trailer appears to be broken.

Lauren Keen said…
Yeah, sorry. :-/ I think I fixed it now.