I love blueberry muffins! I love them! I used to say that my weakness was brownies, and it was. I could never pass up brownies, and I could never have just one brownie. Now...my weakness is blueberry muffins. This new weakness might be a little bit healthier than brownies, but does it matter when I eat 3 muffins in one sitting? I was in the grocery store when I saw a mix for whole wheat blueberry muffins. I thought to myself, "Well, I might as well be healthy if I'm going to eat these little delights." I baked some a few nights ago. I'm going to be honest, I will definitely have to get use to them. These whole wheat muffins do not taste bad, they just taste different. You can taste the whole wheat. ;-)

My cousin, Cara has been telling me about blueberry juice. She says she really likes it, and she prefers it to grape juice. I told her I would have to try it. I love blueberry muffins, so I'm sure I will like blueberry juice. Tonight I bought some, and had a glass as soon as I came home. I LOVE IT! This juice is revolutionizing my life! It is wonderful! It is also good for me, so that is a plus. ;-)
If I were a cute cartoon character, I would be one of Strawberry Shortcake's friends. They would call me "Blueberry Delight". ;-)