Hallelujah! Jesus is my life!

A few months ago, I wrote about a dear old lady in my church who had passed away. At her funeral, her children and grandchildren stood up and told of the godly legacy she had left. She lived a full life. She lived for God and for others.

This passed week, my husband and I attended the funeral of a man who, in my human mind, died before his time. But God's timing is always perfect. This man was 30 years old. He and his wife had been married almost 3 years. They were trying to start a family.

There are many things I will never understand, but I know my God is good. I know my God is sovereign. As I sat in the church at this man's funeral, it was evident that his friends, family, and dear wife knew this as well. I listened as his brother and mother talked about their sweet memories of him. They talked of his love for God, his love for his family and wife and his love for others. They talked of his desire to share the Gospel with everyone he met. He was not ashamed or afraid to tell a stranger the wonderful news that God loves them. That God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for them. Jesus took our sin and paid the price. He died for us, but He did not stay in the grave. He rose again, conquering sin and death. Because of Christ, we can have a relationship with God, eternal life and power over sin! This man wanted everyone he met to have the same relationship with God that he had. He wanted them to know his Savior.

His family also spoke of his burden for men to love their wives, as Jesus loves the Church. He believed in the sanctity of marriage. He believed in the strength and power of a marriage and family centered on Jesus Christ. But this man did not merely encourage others to have a strong marriage, he lived it. He was a wonderful example of Christ's love.

After this man's brother and mother finished speaking, his dear, sweet wife stood up. Though my eyes were already soaked, my tears began to flow even more when she stood. My heart was breaking for her. I work with this sweet woman. I witness what a wonderful testimony she has everyday. She is probably the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate woman I have ever met. When I first started teaching, she took me under her wing. She encouraged me and gave me such wisdom! She also loved sharing stories of her husband. She told me the sweet story of how they met and how God drew them together. She would share the wonderful, intense love her husband had for her. He would surprise her with weekend get-aways, birthday dinners and little gifts just to let her know he loved her. He always made her feel like a queen. He was her leader, her rock and her best friend. This was all very clear from her testimony. Their relationship was a wonderful reflection of Jesus' love for the Church. They both put the needs and desires of each other first. Though their marriage was not perfect, they always sought to honor God and love each other.

All of this was going through my mind as she stood up in front of the church full of people who had come to honor her husband. I was truly amazed at the strength God gave her to speak. There were tears and honest words of sadness and confusion. But as she spoke, she continued to recognize and praise God for His goodness, His love, His grace, and His sovereignty. And in the midst of all the pain and grief, right there at her husband's funeral, she preached the Gospel--just as he had preached it in his life. Despite her sadness, she chose to meet the needs of others. She saw people as Jesus sees them. She did not allow her circumstances to keep her from being a blessing. Though so many had come to encourage her, she ended up encouraging us!

I felt the love, comfort, and peace of God at that service. It was tangible. As we sang and worshipped together, my heart was being hugged by the Holy Spirit, and I am certain the hearts of others were being hugged as well.

I entered that church with the mindset that this man's life had been cut short, that his impact on the world had been extinguished. I left that funeral knowing that this man did indeed live a full life, and his impact on others would live on. This man left a godly legacy that will never be forgotten.

God is so good. He loves His children more than we can imagine. Even when life is hard and pain comes our way, God is good. And as Job said, " For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. (Job 19:25-27) Though many things in my life are uncertain: my job, my health, my relationships-- there is one thing that will never be taken away from me...Jesus' love and compassion for me. He is my Savior! He is my joy forever! Jesus never changes! Hebrews 13:8

"Hallelujah! All I have is Christ!
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life!"
